P2 Presentations


Lucas Sebastian Binn DPG Spring Meeting Dresden March 2023 Design and Production of Pixel Strips for the P2 Tracking Detector Modules
Lucas Sebastian Binn KPH-Meet-up Mainz May 2023 Building Tracking Detector Modules for P2
Michail Kravchenko DPG Spring Meeting SMuK Dresden March 2023 Detector system and simulation of the 155 MeV Hydro-Møller polarimeter at MESA
Michail Kravchenko MESA-Polarimeter Workshop Mainz June 2023 Detector system and simulation of the 155 MeV Hydro-Møller polarimeter at MESA


Lars Weinstock DPG Spring Meeting Dortmund March 2021 The Tracking Detector of the P2 Experiment at the MESA Accelerator
Michail Kravchenko DPG Spring Meeting Dortmund March 2021 Design and cooling of the tracking detector for the P2 experiment


Niklaus Berger Particle Physics Seminar Heidelberg December 2019 Measuring the weak mixing angle with the P2 Experiment at MESA
Carsten Grzesik DPG Spring Meeting Aachen March 2019 High rate electron beam tests with MuPix8 sensors at MAMI
Alexey Tyukin DPG Spring Meeting Aachen March 2019 Momentum transfer reconstruction for the P2 Experiment


Niklaus Berger Particle Physics Seminar Oxford May 2018 Measuring the weak mixing angle with the P2 Experiment at MESA
Iurii Sorokin DPG Spring Meeting Würzburg March 2018 Parameterization-based tracking for the P2 experiment
Alexey Tyukin DPG Spring Meeting Würzburg March 2018 Momentum transfer reconstruction for the P2 experiment
Marco Zimmermann DPG Spring Meeting Würzburg March 2018 Building a Tracking Detector for the
P2 Experiment
Carsten Grzesik DPG Spring Meeting Würzburg March 2018 Readout system for the P2 tracking detector
Carsten Grzesik Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Zürich January 2018 High rate electron beam tests with MuPix sensors at MAMI


Iurii Sorokin DPG Spring Meeting Münster March 2017 Parameterization-based tracking for the P2 experiment
Alexey Tyukin DPG Spring Meeting Münster March 2017 Momentum transfer reconstruction for the P2 experiment
Marco Zimmermann DPG Spring Meeting Münster March 2017 Building a Tracking Detector for the
P2 Experiment
Iurii Sorokin Workshop on intelligent trackers/ Connecting the dots Paris March 2017 Parameterization-based tracking for the P2 experiment
Alexey Tyukin Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Barcelona January 2017 High rate and photon test beams with the MuPix at MAMI


Niklaus Berger ECT* workshop on parity violating electron scattering Trento August 2016 Tracking and Q2 determination for P2
Iurii Sorokin DPG Spring Meeting Hamburg March 2016 Parameterization-based tracking for the P2 experiment
Alexey Tyukin DPG Spring Meeting Hamburg March 2016 Track Reconstruction for the P2 Experiment
Marco Zimmermann DPG Spring Meeting Hamburg March 2016 Building a Tracking Detector for the
P2 Experiment


Niklaus Berger EINN 2015 Paphos November 2015 Electron scattering in Mainz - the next decade
Niklaus Berger Phi to Psi Hefei September 2015 Measuring the weak mixing angle with the P2 experiment in Mainz
Niklaus Berger PRISMA and Symmetry Breaking Graduate Student Retreat Bad Kreuznach September 2015 Precision Physics at MESA