Advanced topics in subatomic physics

The lecture uses electric and magnetic moments of elementary particles to offer insights into current experimental and theoretical methods in current nuclear- and particle physics.


- Magnetic moment of the electron in quantum-electrodynamics and experiment
- The muon magnetic moment: Contributions of the strong interaction
- The muon magnetic moment: experiments
- Electrical dipole moments of electrons, muons and neutrons and new physics
- Lepton-flavour violating dipole moments

Lectures and Materials:

Note that most of the lecture happens on the blackboard. Additional material will be posted here.

23.10. Introduction, plan of lecture, dipole moments and symmetries, problems of the standard model Slides
26.10. Dirac g value of 2 Paper by Kusch and Foley
30.10. Schwinger correction to g-2
9.11. Higher order QED, Electron g-2 measurement Harvard electron g-2
13.11. Muon g-2 theory: Hadronic vacuum polarisation
16.11. Measurements at e+e- machines Slides
20.11. Hadronic light-by-light scattering
23.11. Muon g-2 experiment: Properties of the muon
30.11. Muon g-2 experiment: BNL 821 Chapter in Lepton Dipole Moments
4.12. Muon g-2 experiment: The future at Fermilab and J-PARC

Fermilab (M. Lancaster)
J-PARC (T. Mibe)

7.12. Muon cooling, Tau g-2 MuCool (A. Knecht)
9.12. EDM Motivation: Shakarov, CP, Baryogenesis
11.12. Electron EDM in Molecules: YbF and ThO YbF paper
14.12. Electron EDM in Molecules: YbF and ThO II

YbF (B. Sauer)
ThO (D. deMille)

4.1. Neutron EDMs, neutron cooling
8.1. PSI neutron EDM, SNS neutron EDM PSI (P. Schmidt-Wellenburg)
SNS (S.Clayton)
11.1. Storage ring EDM
18.1. Lepton flavour violation: Theory
22.1. Lepton flavour violation muon experiment overview Pontecorvo/Hincks paper
Lokanathan/Steinberger paper
25.1. MEG and MEG II
Muon conversion (DeeMee, Mu2e, Comet)
MEG paper
29.1. SINDRUM and Mu3e Lee and Samios paper
LFV slides
1.2. Dipole moments and new physics
5.2. Summary