Skip to contentLecture Notes – Particle Physics 2016
- 18.4. Overview, special relativity
Lecture 1
- 20.4. Special relativity, nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, phase space
- 25.4. Relativistic phase space, particle decays, cross-sections and luminosity
- 27.4. Cross-sections, differential cross-sections
- 2.5. Dirac equation
- 4.5. Solutions to the Dirac equation
- 9.5.Interaction by exchange, propagators
- 11.5. Feynman rules for QED
- 18.5. e+e- scattering
Lecture 9
- 23.5. e+e- scattering, chirality, tau mass measurement
Lecture 10, Notes on trace techniques
- 25.5. Electron-proton scattering
Lecture 11
- 30.5. Deep inelastic scattering, PDFs
Lecture 12
- 1.6. Scaling violations, group theory
Events in H1
- 6.6. Groups and symmetries
SU(2) notes by S.Schnetzer, Rutgers
- 8.6. Flavour SU(3), mesons and baryons
Hadron masses
- 13.6. QCD
- 15.6. QCD
QCD Plots
- 20.6. QCD
- 22.6. Weak interaction
- 27.6. Weak interaction
- 29.6. Weak interaction
Weak interaction
- 4.7. Flavour, CKM and Neutrinos
CKM and Neutrinos
- 6.7. Neutrino oscillations
- 11.7. Meson mixing, electroweak unification
- 13.7. Electroweak unification
- 18.7. Higgs mechanism
- 20.7. Higgs discovery, the Standard Model and Beyond
Higgs, SM, Beyond